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Washington, D.C.—Torture methods use various apparatuses from simple rope to complex contraptions. The tiger chair is used to extract information or “crack” the detainee even if that means breaking his or her bones. Police Power… Continue…
Without land, there is no life: Chinese state suppression of Uyghur environmental activism
Without land, there is no life: Chinese state suppression of Uyghur environmental activism, a new research report by the Uyghur Human Rights Project, is a detailed examination of Uyghur environmental activism and the response by the… Continue…
Students from Alexander Hamilton Institute Tour Museum
The Alexander Hamilton Institute (AHI) on Tuesday June 28 toured the Laogai Museum. The AHI, which is based in New York, selected 20 students from various universities around the United States for a two-week course… Continue…
Harry Wu, Champion of Human Rights Dies
It is with great sadness that the Laogai Research Foundation announces the passing of its founder, Harry Wu, who died in Honduras this morning at the age of 79. Mr. Wu was vacationing with friends… Continue…