Denuncia dell’uso dei cadaveri dei condannati a morte cinesi al Congresso USA

Il Deputato Todd Akin denuncia al Congresso la Galleria St Louis che sta preparando un’esibizione di cadaveri plastinati dei condannati a morte cinesi (dal 2.10.2010 al 31.1.2011). Akin vuole una legge che vieti l’importazione di cadaveri ad uso commerciale dalla Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Segue l‘articolo in inglese.

Todd Akin’s (R-Town and Country) opposition to human rights abuses in China has settled on an unlikely target: the St. Louis Galleria, which plans to host an exhibit later this year featuring cadavers shipped from the communist regime. He filed legislation on Capitol Hill this week that could prevent China from sending bodies meant for commercial display to the U.S.
Akin’s current bill is similar to one he filed in 2008 at the urging of a former Chinese political prisoner, Harry Wu, who later formed an advocacy group in Washington, the Laogai Research Foundation.
A spokeswoman for the organization said that exhibits that display the body are fueling a demand in China for human remains — a demand some fear the country could be fulfilling through unscrupulous means.
“These bodies may in fact be coming from executed prisoners, which is of course a massive concern for our organization and anybody concerned with human dignity,” the foundation’s Lindsey Purdy said.

Informati sull’argomento

Fonte: e, 9 luglio 2010


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