Al Simposio turco la Cina pressata sulla questione uiguri
Un simposio internazionale tenutosi ad Instanbul nel weekend del 20 e del 21 marzo invita la Cina a non proseguire nella violazione dei diritti umani nel Turkestan orientale.
A major international symposium held in the Turkish city of Istanbul over the Mar 20-21 weekend called on China to open East Turkestan to the world and stop all human rights abuses there. The “Free Eastern Turkistan Symposium” was organized by the Istanbul Peace Platform and the speakers included political party leaders, according to (Turkey) Mar 22. It cited Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Konya deputy Husnu Tuna and Saadet (Felicity) Party Istanbul Provincial chairman Erol Erdogan as suggesting different ways to pressure China to stop the human rights abuses. The speakers were reported to have referred strongly to China’s moves to assimilate the Uighur region with forced migration and with imposition of restrictions on the Uighur language, policy of Chinese education, birth control, and limits on religious worship.
Among the speakers at the symposium was the Dalai Lama’s Geneva-based representative Mr Tseten Samdup Chhoekyapa who talked about similar Chinese policy and actions in occupied Tibet.
The symposium brought together a number of academics, thinkers, opinion leaders, civil society representatives and individuals and bodies. The gathering urged international bodies such as the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and states “to take an active role in restoring rights of people of this region urgently and in putting a swift end to the ongoing unjust and repressive rule in East Turkestan.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 24 marzo 2010
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