Ambasciatore Usa in Cina: “Diritti Umani parte essenziale del dialogo”

Il nuovo Ambasciatore Usa in Cina, Jon M. Huntsman Jr., ha spiegato in maniera abbastanza generale gli impegni con la Cina, che includono, tra altri, la stabilità regionale e l’ambiente. L’ambasciatore ha anche affermato che i diritti umani devono continuare ad essere una parte essenziale del dialogo tra i due Paesi.

Segue l’articolo del New York Times

The new United States ambassador to China, laid out a vision of close engagement with China on a broad range of issues on Wednesday, including regional stability and the environment, and said that human rights must continue to be a major part of bilateral talks.In addition to working with China on security issues — including its role in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and North Korea — Mr. Huntsman said climate change and the environment would be important parts of his efforts, because, “In today’s world, we’re all downstream.”

“I suspect we have more on our plate than ever,” he said. “But it comes at a time when China is a stakeholder. And arguably, it wasn’t in the past.”

Mr. Huntsman, 49, a former governor of Utah, made the remarks in an interview with a group of reporters at the United States Embassy in Beijing, just over a week after taking residence.

He was chosen by President Obama for the ambassador post and was confirmed by the Senate in August.

He had been considered a rising star in the Republican Party and a possible presidential contender, but he said he could not turn down the chance to serve in China.

Mr. Huntsman, who is fluent in Mandarin, arrives with high expectations about his ability to work with the Chinese. He was a Mormon missionary in Taiwan and has served as ambassador to Singapore and as deputy United States trade representative.

He is the son of Jon Huntsman Sr., the founder of the Huntsman Corp., a giant chemical company. It has facilities in China, but the ambassador said he had no stake in the company and little knowledge of its Chinese operations.

Mr. Huntsman said that he had met with President Hu Jintao and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and begun preparations for Mr. Obama’s visit to China later this year.

A week ago, he opened his residence to journalists. He moved here with his wife, Mary Kaye, and seven children, including a 10-year-old daughter who was adopted from China and a 3-year-old girl the family adopted from India.

His deep knowledge of the country has won him praise from China experts in the West and also from Chinese analysts.

“He was a governor, and that will put him in a unique place,” said Victor Zhikai Gao, director of the China National Association of International Studies and a former interpreter for Deng Xiaoping. “And his understanding of Chinese will help. He can directly engage with Chinese leaders, bypassing the translator.”

Mr. Huntsman’s fascination with China goes back to July 1971, when as an 11-year-old he visited the Nixon White House with his father, who was then serving as a special assistant.

At the time, he says, he met Henry A. Kissinger and helped carry his bags to a waiting car, which was about to take Mr. Kissinger to the airport on a secret and historic mission.

“I said to him, ‘Where are you going?’ ” Mr. Huntsman recalled Wednesday.

“And he said, ‘Please don’t tell anyone. I’m going to China.’ ”

Published on The New York Times, September 2, 2009


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