China Southern Airlines: Stop Cruel Primate Shipments

Every year, more than 10,000 primates are imported into the U.S. to be experimented on in laboratories, and most of them originate from China. The traumatized monkeys are crammed into small crates and loaded into the dark, terrifying cargo holds of airplanes. Once they arrive, the monkeys are subjected to painful experiments and may be injected with or force-fed experimental chemicals or infected with diseases.

China Southern Airlines continues to ship monkeys to laboratories for use in experimentation, even though almost every other major airline—including all those in China—has already stopped this cruel practice. The airline had previously announced that it had ended the practice but has now resumed this bloody business, quietly bowing to pressure from laboratories desperate to continue profiting from abusing monkeys in barbaric experiments.

Fortunately, air passengers concerned about the treatment of animals have other options. Almost all major passenger and cargo airlines in the world—including Air China, Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines, EVA Air, Philippine Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, and Cathay Pacific—now refuse to ship primates to laboratories. Contact officials with China Southern Airlines and tell them that you will refuse to book flights with their airline until they stop shipping primates to their deaths in laboratories.

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