Cina: prove insufficienti per il pastore Lou Yuanqi ma rimane in carcere
ChinaAid riferisce che il pastore Lou Yuanqi della Regione Autonoma Uyghur ha ricevuto un verdetto di “prove sufficienti” e il suo caso è stato rinviato all’ufficio di pubblica sicurezza (PSB) da parte del procuratore. Il tribunale ha affermato che” ‘i fatti utilizzato nel caso non sono chiari, le prove sono insufficienti.” Nonostante questa sentenza, Lou continua ad essere imprigionato.
Segue l’articolo in inglese
XINJIANG – ChinaAid just learned that Pastor Lou Yuanqi of Uygur Autonomous Region received a verdict of “insufficient evidence” and his case was sent back to the Public Security Bureau (PSB) by the prosecutor. The court said “’the facts used in the case are not clear, the evidence is insufficient.” Despite this ruling, Pastor Lou continues to be imprisoned.
Pastor Lou stood trial on December 15, 2008 on charges of “utilizing superstition to undermine the law.” Sources say the real reason for the charge was to stop Lou’s house church from meeting in his home. After Lou’s trial, his daughter Lou Tiantian, 18, was beaten by court police when she tried to speak with her father as he was being put into a police car. Lou Tiantian was taken to the hospital where she received medical treatment, then was released the same night.
During Lou’s trial, the presiding judge acknowledged the persecution in Xinjiang. However, witnesses reported that the judge stated, “’If the Christians have more religious freedom in areas outside Xinjiang, they should consider leaving Xinjiang because Xinjiang is special.”
Pastor Lou was first detained on May 17, 2008 at 1 p.m. in Qingshuihe town, Huocheng county of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. At 11:30 p.m. the same day, Pastor Lou was transferred to Huocheng County Detention Center. Pastor Lou’s suffers from hepatitis B and the harsh prison conditions worsen his health.
Pastor Lou’s wife, Wang Wenxiu, his children and church continue to meet despite Pastor Lou’s imprisonment. When told that Christians around the world were praying for their family, Wang asked friends to pass on this message to the international community: “Please thank them for us because this [imprisonment of Pastor Lou] is God’s best will. It is His promise. It is the grace of the Lord. How could we be worthy of awakening so many brothers and sisters’ prayers for us? The Cross of Jesus encourages us to move forward. I am very joyful and full of gratitude for all of the prayer support. ”
Write an encouraging letter to Pastor Lou Yuanqi in prison:
Pastor Lou Yuanqi, Huocheng County Detention Center, Yili City, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
Chinaid, 6 marzo 2009
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