Condannato giornalista uiguro

Un giornalista uiguro che lavorava per una radio ufficiale cinese è stato condannato all’ergastolo dopo un processo segreto condotto all’inizio di quest’anno.

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A Uyghur journalist working for an official Chinese radio service has been sentenced to life in prison following a secret trial conducted earlier this year, according to a letter sent by a friend to Radio Free Asia.Memetjan Abdulla, an editor for the Uyghur service of China National Radio, was sentenced in April in a closed trial in Urumqi, capital of China’s northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the letter said. Authorities had charged Abdulla with helping to instigate deadly ethnic rioting in Urumqi in July 2009 following Uyghur protests at the beating deaths of Uyghur factory workers in the eastern Chinese city of Shaoguan. Abdulla had translated a call for the protests issued by the Munich-based World Uyghur Congress and published on a Chinese website, authorities charged, and had then reposted the call on the Uyghur website Salkin. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a man who was present at Abdulla’s trial said that official anger at Abdulla had resulted in the severity of his sentence, according to the letter received by RFA. “Memetjan answered the questions of foreign journalists in Beijing about Uyghur reactions to the June 26 Shaoguan incident,” the man said. “Plus, he translated many sensitive articles that were published on the Salkin website.” Sentenced at the same time as Abdulla was Gulmire Imin, also accused of instigating the riots, according to the letter sent to RFA. Memetjan Abdulla was born in 1977 and grew up in Karamay City in Xinjiang, his friend said in the letter sent to RFA. He graduated in 2001 from the University of Broadcast and Information in Beijing and worked for eight years as a broadcaster and editor at the Uyghur service of China National Radio. In his free time, the letter said, Abdulla worked as a manager for the Uyghur-language Salkin website. He was arrested two months after the July 2009 riots in Urumqi, according to the letter sent to RFA.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 23 dicembre 2010


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