Dimostrazioni a Lione

Le autorità cinesi hanno posticipato l’11mo summit EU-Cina. Nonostante ciò il 5to “Business Summit EU-Cina” resta come previsto. Quindi le dimostrazioni di protesta avranno luogo. Segue il comunicato di dossier Tibet in inglese.
The Chinese authorities decided to postpon unilaterally the 11th EU-China Political Summit.
However, the 5th EU-China Business Summit remains unchanged. From our side, the protest demonstration planned in Lyon (France) on Sunday 30 November is more than ever maintained because if Chinese renounce to their political engagements and try to blackmail, Free Tibet activists never give up and always respect their appointement. This is the idea that we’ll push ahead for the media.
As well, as China is puting pressure on European leaders, we are going to encourage them and to counter Chinese pressure. This is very important as many of them, including the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, plan to meet the Dalai Lama in Poland.
Anyway, Tibetan community of France (Paris) and French TSGs have maintained their decision to come in Lyon to protest, as well as other activists from Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
The Chinese desistance is somewhere a kind of victory for us. But our determination and perseverance will be a greater victory by making this demonstration successful. And if European leaders acheive to meet the Dalai Lama despite Chinese pressure, this will be a complete victory.
For this, we have to show our strong and indefectible support to them.Rally in Lyon (France) on Sunday, 30th November 2008:

- 12h Gathering and speeches Place de la Comedie (behind City Hall)
- 14h Walk departure - Arrival Place des Terreaux (in front of City Hall).

Hope to see you there

Mathieu Vernerey
[email protected]


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