Distruzione città di Kashgar: Amareggiato il regista de “Il cacciatore di aquiloni”
“Durante le riprese del film Il cacciatore di aquiloni, nel 2006, ho vissuto per diversi mesi nella città di Kashgar”, ha affermato il regista Marc Forster. “Sono stato privilegiato ad essere accolto e circondato dalla bellezza e dalla cultura della popolazione uigura. Niente di più sorprendente del loro cuore, della loro anima e della loro antica città”.
Segue l’articolo in inglese
“While shooting THE KITE RUNNER in 2006 I lived in Kashgar for several months,” said Mr. Forster. “I was privileged to be welcomed and surrounded by the beauty and culture of the Uyghur people. None more amazing then their heart, their soul and their ancestry- Old Town. I am saddened to know that their homes, their faith and their heritage is being taken away from them and I urge everyone to help save Old Town.”
The movie The Kite Runner, much of which was set in Afghanistan, was filmed partly in the city of Kashgar, whose traditional Central Asian architecture closely resembles that of the Afghan city of Kabul in the time the story takes place.
Forster is a German-Swiss filmmaker and screenwriter, known for films such as Monster’s Ball, Finding Neverland, Stranger than Fiction, and Quantum of Solace. A nominee for numerous prestigious film awards, he has also been active in humanitarian efforts.
The Uyghur American Association (UAA) works to promote the preservation and flourishing of a rich, humanistic and diverse Uyghur culture, and to support the right of the Uyghur people to use peaceful, democratic means to determine their own political future.
The UAA has undertaken the Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) for the purpose of promoting improved human rights conditions for Uyghurs and other indigenous groups in East Turkestan, on the premise that the assurance of basic human rights will facilitate the realization of the community’s democratic aspirations.
Uyghur Human Rights Project
Uyghur American Association
1701 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20006
Tel: +1 (202) 349 1496
Fax: +1 (202) 349 1491
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