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Esecuzioni capitali aumentate in Cina

Furgoni della morte nel paese asiatico

Il numero delle esecuzioni nel mondo è cresciuto drasticamente. Stando ad Amnesty, anche se il numero esatto è un segreto di stato, la Cina risulterebbe aver messo in atto i tre quarti del totale. Il novantatre percento delle condanne che vengono portate a termine nel mondo si deve a tre paesi: Cina, Iran, Pakistan, Arabia Saudita e Stati Uniti.
Sono inoltre numerose le province del gigante asiatico che avrebbero cambiato la modalità di applicazione della pena. Dei veri e propri furgoni della morte [1]si spostano di città in città per ridurre i costi delle operazioni. In Europa soltanto la Bielorussia applica ancora la pena di morte nel suo territorio. La Comunità Europea ha stabilito che nessun paese che porta avanti questa terribile forma di punizione e deterrenza può entrare a far parte dell’Unione.

Segue l’articolo in inglese

There were 2,390 executions in 2008, of which 1,718 or 72 per cent, took place in China. The statistics showed a marked increase from 2007 when 1,252 people were put to death.

Just five countries, China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States, accounted for 93 per cent of all executions, Amnesty said. Iran executed eight children under 18 years old last year, in breach of international law.

The human rights group said its figures for China are a minimum estimate, since the number of people put to death is a state secret in the Middle Kingdom. Other activists estimate that anywhere from 6,000 to 15,000 people are put to death in China each year.

Despite China’s efforts to improve its image ahead of the Beijing Olympics, Amnesty believes the Communist Party carried out four times as many executions last year as it did in 2007.

The jump reverses a steady fall in Chinese executions, particularly after the Chinese Supreme Court ruled that it would review all death sentences in January 2007. In the wake of the ruling, Ni Shouming, a spokesman for the court, said local authorities were reporting a 10 per cent fall in death sentences.

Many provinces have also changed their method of execution from firing squads to lethal injection, a move that Chinese officials say demonstrates a greater attention to human rights. Mobile “death vans” that drive from city to city are now in use in order to cut costs.

In Europe, only Belarus still has the death penalty. No countries wishing to join the European Union are permitted to carry out executions.

By Malcolm Moore in Shangha, Telegraph.co.uk