Esponenti dell’NDPD accolti a Roma

I 15 studenti tibetani del partito nazionale democratico tibetano, insieme al Presidente Mr. Chime Youngdrung e al Segretario Generale Mr. Ngawang Jinpa, sono stati accolti all’Aeroporto di Roma dal presidente italiano del World Action Tibet e altri sostenitori.

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The National Democratic Party of Tibet’s workshop participants consisting of 15 Tibetan college students, plus the President , Mr. Chime Youngdrung and the General Secretary, Mr. Ngawang Jinpa were warmly received at Rome airport (Italy) by the president of World Action Tibet (WAT-Italy). Mr. Riccardo with other Tibet support friends, Ms. Marisa, Ms. Miki and Ms. Dechen Dolker, the representative of Tibetan Women’s Association - Italy and Mr. Topgyal. Coordinator of NDPT – Italy.

The following day all the NDPT representatives met and briefly discussed common ideas with the President of the Italian Youth council Mr Antonio Di Napoli and the President of the General Labour Union (UGL), Mr Antonio Polica at Pizzeria Ciro, Via Della Mercede. At 2:30 pm Mr. Toni Brandi, the President of Laogoi Research Foundation Italia with other Tibet support friends received the NDPT representatives at Atreju with Tibetan national flags flying high. An award presentation to the President of NDPT was held by the Italian Nationwide Youth Movement (NWYM). During the ceremony, the President of NDPT appealed to the Italian people to continue their support towards the Tibetan cause and openly thanked everyone for their participation and hospitality. The award was given by the 8th leader of NWYM, Mr. Giovanni Donzelli. This award symbolizes the friendship, support and strong desire to work for the cause of Tibet by the Italian people. Some past awardees of this prize were Ms. Pelikalova for her work for human rights in Czekoslavakia when still under the Soviet Union, Don Gelmini, a priest who worked against drug abuse, and Mr. Clemente Russo, a boxing champion. He made a pro-Tibet statement during last year Beijing Olympic Games. During the day, the President of NDPT and students also met Ms. Meloni, Minister for youth who also made a statement against the Chinese occupation in Tibet during the Beijing Olympics. Ms. Meloni has met HH Dalai Lama at least twice in the past.

The day went by quickly and many important liaisons were made for present and future collaboration.

Report by Topgyal, Coordinator of NDPT- Italy, Sept.10, 2009

National Democratic Party of Tibet
Central Executive Committee
P.O. Mcleod Ganj-176219


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