Il Nepal detiene a Kathmandu il rappresentante del Dalai Lama

Prima delle proteste che ci saranno durante il cinquantunesimo anniversario della rivolta nazionale tibetana del 10 marzo, la polizia nella capitale del Nepal, a Kathmandu, ha preso in custodia il 7 marzo Thinley Gyatso, che è il rappresentante lì del Dalai Lama.

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Ahead of expected protests during the 51st Tibetan National Uprising Day on Mar 10, Police in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu have taken into custody on Mar 7 Mr Thinley Gyatso, the Dalai Lama’s representative there, reported the Times of India Online Mar 7.The detention was seen as a bid by Nepal, under relentless pressure from China, to prevent anti-China demonstrations in the country on the day observed by Tibetans worldwide as their national uprising day against Chinese occupation rule.Getting Nepal to crackdown on Tibetans protesting against China and strengthening the border security to prevents more Tibetans from escaping from Chinese rule have been a major focus of China’s Nepal policy recently. China has greatly increased aid to Nepal recently and tied these, ostensibly, to cracking down more intensely on Tibetan protests and refugee escapes.
Nepal closed down the Office of Tibet in Kathmandu, headed by the Dalai Lama’s representative, in 2005. The IANS news service Mat 7 said Thinley has been functioning as the head of an NGO called the Tibetan Refugee Welfare Centre.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 9 marzo 2010


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