Monaci recentemente fuggiti dal Tibet

Lobsabg Norbu e il suo collega si erano nascosti quasi due anni fa tra le colline e le montagne della contea di Dege, nel Tibet orientale, dopo la diffusione di documenti, striscioni e bandiere nel 2009 contro il dominio cinese in Tibet.

Segue articolo in inglese:

Dharamshala: Lobsabg Norbu and his fellow two monks had been hiding almost two years in the hills and mountains of Dege county, eastern Tibet after spread documents, banners and flags in 2009 to against Chinese rule over Tibet.The three brave monks safely managed to escape from Tibet recently, currently they have started to enjoy freedom of expression in this Himalayan hill town where His Holiness the Dalai Lama lives in exile.As the Tibetan and foreign journalists reported out of their peaceful protests in eastern Tibet, Norbu and his friends unfurled banners they had wrapped inside the folds of their crimson robes and held aloft the documents, banners and flags of Tibet in the streets, towns and villages. Three Tibetan monks from Gonsar monastery, Dza Bharma village of Dege county, eastern Tibet; Kunga Rinchen, 30, Lobsang Norbu, 26 and Khedup Gyatso have decided to hold a peaceful protest to against Chinese rule over their homeland on 10th November 2010. “We have drawen various slogons on many banners saying ‘Free Tibet and we want Human Rights in Tibet, long life His Holiness the Dalai Lama’, also painted many Tibetan national flags after decided to hold the protest,” Norbu told The Tibet Post International. Norbu further told that Chinese authorities in the areas in last year have officially announced Tibetans that the local government will reward 20,000 Yuan for each head of the monks if anybody report the monks’ detail. “We have no human rights, no religious freedom, and no freedom of express in Tibet now,” Norbu said. That peaceful protest, in April 2008, was spread a clear message around the world by the Tibetans in all parts of Tibet on the communist regime’s policy toward Tibet issue. Despite the widespread peaceful Tibetan uprising in their homeland, hundreds were killed, and hundreds were jailed under the name of Hu Jintao’s harmony society. “If we Tibetan monks hadn’t lead the peaceful protests to express our feelings, which are feelings in all Tibetan, then we would have missed a chance to tell the world,” said Norbu, a monk with lay dress newly became a refugee. “On 10th November 2009, 2 of my friends and I demonstrated for religious freedom and human rights in Tibet. We aimed to be heard by the state. The Chinese government had insisted that it had made improvements in the field of human rights but in actuality we had no rights, historically Tibet was an independent nation, but China rewrite our history. we tried to fight for these rights. For offenses of a small nature we were treated as criminals,” he further said. Over two years, the three monks slipped out of their monastery, trekked into the mountains, slept in nomads’ tents, sneaked into Lhasa aboard a high-altitude traveling and crossed a raging river to Nepal. It was only here in a refugee center that they could tell their true stories to people of the world. Chinese officials insist that any of the protests were orchestrated by Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan government in exile. The monks from Dege county, eastern Tibet say harsh Chinese policies sparked the tinder, rewriting Tibet History, violating international law, especially limitations on Buddhist practice in Tibet. “I and my friends decided on our own to protest,” Norbu said. “The protests were caused by human rights, freedom of religious and expression issues and harshest Chinese policies toward Tibetans to denounce His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s political and spiritual leader. We couldn’t tolerate it anymore,” he continued. “We held the protests with the idea of perceiving our Buddhism and culture identity, which is endangered by Chinese policy. We want His Holiness the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet, but the Chinese don’t even allow us to display his picture.” he added. The monks said that Chinese officials held various meetings to practice the ‘patriotic re-educating law’, which forces local Tibetans, particularly Buddhist monks to denounce their spiritual leaders, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama. During the spring prayer festival last year, many Tibetans were brutally beaten and arrested after burning wild-animal skins, and that many of them are still missing. “Tibetans are still under Chinese pressure of patriotic re-education if they decide to perceive their cultural and religious identity,” Norbu concluded.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 14 dicembre 2010


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