Monk sentenced to six years’ imprisonment in Sangchu

Monaco condannato a sei anni di carcere da un tribunale cinese con l’accusa di omicidio

Phayul,Thursday, January 02, 2014

DHARAMSHALA, January 2: A Chinese court in Tibet’s Sangchu County has sentenced a Tibetan monk to six years’ imprisonment on charges of ‘murder’. Gendun Gyatso, 48, was handed down the sentence by the Sangchu County People’s Court on Dec. 11, 2013.

In the picture Gendun Gyatso e Sungdue Kyab

Police alleged that Gendun Gyatso, a monk of Bora monastery in Labrang, prevented the police from extinguishing fire on the body of Sungdhue Kyab, a Tibetan who immolated himself on Dec. 2, 2012 on the main street in Bora town near the Bora Monastery. …[…]

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Monk sentenced to six years’ imprisonment in Sangchu


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