Muore nomade tibetano
Questa mattina, verso le ore 6:30 (ora locale) un nomade tibetano si è dato fuoco per protesta contro il regime comunistra cinese in Tibet.
Segue articolo in inglese:
A Tibetan nomad has died after setting himself afire this morning in Chentsa (Chinese: Jiancha) County, Malho (Chinese: Huangnan) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province. According to our sources, Tamding Thar, a Tibetan in his 50’s, self-immolated today at around 6:30 am (Tibet Time) in front of the county’s People’s Armed Police camp. A large number of security personnel appeared at the at the site of immolation within few minutes, sources said. The security personnel extinguished the flames and took Tamding Thar, who was severely burnt. Xinhua, the official news agency of China has also confirmed the report of the self-immolation death today in Jiancha County, Qinghai Province. However, Xinhua has not revealed the identity of the Tibetan self-immolater. After the immolation protest, hundreds of local Tibetans gathered in front of the army camp demanded to be handed over Tamding Thar’s body. Chinese authorities told the Tibetans gathered there that they will return the body at around 11 am (Tibet Time). At around 12 noon (Tibet Time), the authorities released the body to the local Tibetans, confirmed our sources. The body was then carried to a remote nomadic area in Chentsa County. At this time of reporting, sources said that there are around 400-500 local Tibetans, in groups, gathered in Chentsa County. Many security officers have also been deployed in the county vigilant of the Tibetan crowds. Tamding Thar belonged to a nomadic family in Lowa village, Chentsathang Township, Chentsa County in Malho TAP. Few years ago Tamding Thar and his family moved to the county due to the ‘nomad relocation’ policy of the Chinese government, according to source.
Leggi anche l’articolo pubblicato da Asia News
Fonte: TCHRD, 15 giugno 2012
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