Nove tibetani trattenuti dalla polizia al confine del Nepal

La polizia al confine del Nepal ha preso in custodia la notte del 24 aprile nove tibetani, tra cui 3 donne. Sono stati trattenuti nella città di Barhabise.

Segue articolo in inglese:

Police in Nepal’s border district of Sindhupalchowk have taken into custody on Apr 24 night nine Tibetans, including three women, after they had fled their occupied country, reported Himalaya Times online Apr 25.They were held at Barhabise town at 8:30 PM.The report cited police as saying the Tibetans would be handed over to the country’s Department of Immigration, which in turn may either deport or imprison them or otherwise hand them over to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
The Tibetans have succeeded in their escape bid despite Nepal having greatly strengthened its border security under strong pressure from China.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 27 aprile 2010


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