Il controllo delle nascite è un metodo per fare soldi

Una testimonianza dalla Cina riguardo all’applicazione della politica del figlio unico. Le autorità locali del partito si approfittano della situazione e fanno soldi imponendo multe a chi ha piu’ di un figlio.Segue l’articolo in inglese ripreso da dossier tibet.

China’s one child policy is now being used as a money-making tool by local Communist officials who impose excessive fines for those who breach the rules. They even force some ‘offenders’ into retirement, according to local residents. Ms Wang says many Communist officials have more than one child themselves, but will still impose fines on the public if they breach the rules. She says these fines are not reported to senior officers, but are instead kept in the hip pockets of local officials.
Ms Wang says the low level governments of the Chinese Communist Party have two separate citizenship registers. The real one is apparently hidden from the superiors. The purpose of this is twofold: it shows senior officials favourable statistics, and it allows local officials to easily control what fines are imposed. Ms Wang says no one knows China’s actual population figures.
She says fines imposed by these officials are not only paid in lump sums, they can be paid in instalments, and can include ‘gifts’ given to birth control officials. She says as time went by, officials increased the fines imposed for those breaching the birth control regulations.
Ms Wang says the fines in Hebei are on an increasing scale, $10,000 Yuan for a second child, $20,000 for the third child and so on. Usually fines are more often imposed in wealthier areas, and less in poorer regions.
Ms Wang says that forced abortions are imposed on those who cannot afford to pay the fines. Those with forced deliveries are done in hospitals, and if the babies survive, they might be sold by medical staff at the hospital. She says the tubal ligation procedures are done very roughly, and mothers are not only emotionally scarred, they also suffer physically in the long term.
Mr Yen from Sichuan says people’s lives cannot be guaranteed. Especially those dealing with old age, illness or health, or when they reach a stage where they cannot move by themselves. He says those who can afford to pay the fines will pay, but those who do not have the money, will have their homes and other possessions taken. If all else fails, Mr Yen says the authorities will detain people. This is a common practice. He says every person has complaints about the authorities.
Ms Chen from Shandong says her father was a teacher in the village, and after having taught for 18 years, he was forced to resign for exceeding the birth limit. She says a group of others were also forced to retire for the same reason.
It is reported that population control departments around China have a network of information on the population and women able to bear children. One population control official says some of the population control statistics are classified as State secrets.
Posted by Michael Anderson


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