Protesta della Fondazione Laogai Europa alla Fiera di Hannover
In occasione dell’apertura dell’annuale fiera di Hannover, dal 23 al 27 aprile, conosciuta in tutto il mondo, sono state numerose le manifestazioni contro le violazioni cinesi dei dirittti umani.
Segue articolo in inglese:
The annual HANNOVER FAIR (Hannover Messe) for industrial products is well known almost everywhere in the world. On occasion of this year’s opening ceremonies the President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Wen Jiabao, visited Hannover and was applauded by his cheerleaders Mrs. Merkel, former chancellors Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schröder, and of course the business community. Demonstrations against Chinese Human Rights violations were plentiful, but carefully kept out of Mr. Jiabao’s sight. Syrians protesting China’s support of Assad, Uighurs, Tibetians, Falun Gong, the Society for Threatend People, IGFM/ISHR International Society for Human Rights were thus cheated by German Foreign Office Protocol.
Alcune foto della manifestazione:
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