Proteste degli studenti in Tibet
Degli studenti tibetani hanno protestato con slogans del tipo “Cinesi fuori dal Tibet” e “Il Tibet è completamente indipendente”. Sono stati accerchiati dalla polizia cinese.
Segue articolo in inglese:
Mr. Ngawang Tharpa, a Tibetan from Sog County currently living in Dharamshala, India told that the students from the central primary school in Tsala Township shouted slogans such as “Chinese out of Tibet”,”Tibet is fully independent”.
Later, the student protestors were surrounded by armed Chinese soldiers and police. Some parents and students were hauled in for interrogation. Due to heavy restrictions on information, it is unclear whether any arrests were made.Thapa said, “We are unsure whether students were arrested or simply detained.” Over the past month, many peaceful protests have been similarly suppressed under China’s “Hard Strike” policy of routine intimidation. As part of the campaign, Chinese officials have raided hotels and restaurants checking for IDs, set up numerous security check-points and arrested scores of Tibetans. A similar protest involving students was forcefully disbanded last week in Machu County. Around 40 people from that rally were detained.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 29 marzo 2010
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