Reggie Likttlejohn e Chen Guangcheng contro la pianificazione coercitiva in Cina
Reggie Littlejohn, presidente della WRWF, ha unito le forze con l’attivista cieco Chen Guangcheng, l’attivista dei diritti umani Andrew Duncan ed il presidente di China Aid Bob Fu, per inviare una lettera (clicca qui per la lettera in lingua inglese) al presidente Apple Tim Cook riguardo i prodotti Apple realizzati in Cina. Reggie Littlejohn ha dichiarato: “Chiediamo alla Apple di garantire ai propri clienti che i prodotti realizzati in Cina non sono il frutto di una pianificazione familiare coercitiva” (clicca qui per leggere la lettera diffusa dalla WRWF). Secondo l’azienda produttrice nel 2012 è stata effettuata un’indagine interna e ben 56 impianti non dispongono di regole che proibiscono pratiche discriminatorie basate sulla gravidanza. Apple dichiara di aver chiesto di fermare queste pratiche, ma ad oggi sembrano andare avanti, come mai ???…
Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo pubblicato da The Washington Post (in lingua inglese).
Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, has joined forces with blind activist Chen Guangcheng, human rights activist Andrew Duncan, and China Aid President Bob Fu, in sending a letter to Apple President Tim Cook, concerning Apple products made in China. Reggie Littlejohn stated, “We are challenging Apple to assure customers that products made in China are not made in facilities that practice coercive family planning or stifle free speech. According to Apple’s own 2012 internal investigation, 24 Apple facilities conducted pregnancy tests, and 56 facilities did not have policies and procedures that prohibit discriminatory practices based on pregnancy. Apple says that it has required that these practices must stop. Apple, however, has been auditing its facilities since 2006. Why, then, is it still the case that pregnancy testing is reported as rampant? Either Apple’s requirement that these practices must stop is new, or its policies to implement it are ineffectual.” Littlejohn continued, “We want to know what has happened to women at Apple factories when they have been found to be pregnant without a birth permit. Have they been referred for a forced abortion or involuntary sterilization? With the one child/forced abortion law in place, how can Apple assure consumers that its products are made in facilities free of coercive population control? “We are also asking Apple to take the lead in endorsing our ‘Principles of Corporate Responsibility,’ in which multinational corporations will refuse to comply with coercive family planning practices at their facilities in China.” To date, the group has received no response from Apple. Bloomberg has written about this action challenging Apple:
Apple Urged by China Dissident to Act Against One Child Rule (
Fonte: WRWF
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