Rieducazione attraverso il lavoro per le minoranze etniche in Cina
Il Comitato per l’Abolizione delle Discriminazioni Razziali (CERD) delle Nazioni Unite nella sua 75° sessione ha evidenziato delle raccomandazioni presenti dal decimo al tredicesimo dei rapporti periodici riguardo le popolazioni della Repubblica di Cina e le ha pubblicate il 28 agosto 2009. Il CERD riferische che la detenzione amministrativa attraverso la “rieducazione attraverso il lavoro” può, nella giurisdizione ordinaria, essere applicata principalmente ed in modo sproporzionato, ai membri delle minoranze etniche attualmente presenti in Cina.
Seguono maggiori dettagli
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in its seventy-fifth session considered the tenth to thirteenth periodic reports of the People’ Republic of China and published its recommendations in the report of 28 August 2009.
Some excerpts from the report read:
On page five: “While acknowledging the information provided by the State party on the revision of its legislation regarding administrative detention and “re-education through labour”, the Committee is concerned at reports that in practice effective judicial control of these measures is limited and that the application of these laws may disproportionately affect members of ethnic minorities.”
“The Committee calls upon the State party [China] to take effective measures with a view to ensuring that the application of administrative detention and “re-education through labor” is used restrictively and subject to full judicial control in line with international human rights standards, and that these practices are not disproportionately applied to members of ethnic minorities.”
On page six: “The Committee is concerned at reports alleging the disproportionate use of force against ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs respectively and the important number of their detentions.”
and on page 13:
“Bearing in mind the indivisibility of all human rights, the Committee encourages the State party to consider ratifying those international human rights treaties which it has not yet ratified, in particular treaties the provisions of which have a direct bearing on the subject of racial discrimination, such as the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (1990).”
Fonte: Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization, 28 August 2009
CERD publishes report on China’s Human Rights record
Scarica il Rapporto del CERD, Nazioni Unite sulle popolazioni della Repubblica di Cina
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