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Tibetan political prisoner released after 7 year jail term
DHARAMSHALA, Jan. 15: A Tibetan political prisoner was released on January 5 after completing his seven year sentence in a Chinese prison. Kelsang Khedrup, originally from Rabkar Township in Kardze was released from Mianyang prison… Continue…
Police Increase Checks of Uyghur Smartphone Users in Xinjiang
Police in three prefectures in northwest China’s restive Xinjiang region have stepped up and extended security checks of ethnic Uyghurs who use smartphones into the new year to ensure stability in the area, local police… Continue…
China Scraps Birth Permits, Violators Will Be “Punished”
The Chinese government announced this week that they will no longer require prior approval of first and second children for qualified couples under the new Two-Child Policy. Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers,… Continue…
Ordinary Chinese ‘Won’t Benefit’ From Beijing’s Two-Child Policy
China's amended population control policy, which limits couples to two children instead of one, is unlikely to result in an end to official abuses of power or an improvement in women's reproductive rights, analysts said… Continue…