Swiss Parliamentary delegation assure support to MWA approach
DHARAMSHALA, MAR. 31: A delegation of legislators from Switzerland has assured their support and solidarity with the Tibetan struggle for political rights and reiterated their endorsement of the ‘Middle Way Policy’ as a means to seek political resolution of the Tibetan issue with China. The delegation, touring the virtual capital of the Tibetan exiles were speaking to the press earlier today.
Swiss parliamentary delegation at a press conference in Dharamshala. March 31, 2017. Phayul photo- Kunsang Gashon
The group put forth a core statement that advocated resumption of dialogue between the representatives of the Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama and their counterparts in Beijing while assuring that the Swiss parliamentary support group for Tibet will continue its political support and activities for Tibetan people and its peaceful struggle for its rights, together with Swiss Tibetan community, the Tibet Support Groups in Swiss and the great support of Swiss people. In addition, the delegation also recognized Tibet’s ecological and environmental importance in the region’s sustainability and pledged support in international forums to safe guard the same.
Former speaker of the Swiss parliament and standing member of Green party, Maya Graf who leads the delegation, told reporters that the team has been impressed by the functioning of the exile Tibetan government under a democratic set up. “Switzerland has shared the burden of Tibetan diaspora in exile but out of this a very special and valuable friendship has grown. This gives us responsibility in the future development of the Tibetan cause,” she said.
Fellow MP Barbara Gysi laude, among other things, the status of Tibetan women in the community, highlighting her observation on the ‘Women Empowerment Policy’ framed by CTA and empowerment initiatives for the Tibetan women in the laity and the monastic community.
Swiss Tibet Friendship Association’s President Thomas Buchli said that he and fellow delegation members recognize the sacrifice and sufferings of Tibetans inside Tibet, especially the self immolators in the recent past. He said the Tibetan way of political fight has won over the international community, which has poured in support through solidarity with the Tibetan issue.
The six-member parliamentary delegation is on a weeklong visit to Dharamshala to observe the functioning of the Tibetan administration and the Tibetan exile community. The delegation called on His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Wednesday and also had an interaction with the Tibetan prime minister Lobsang Sangay. They also visited the various departments of the exile Tibetan government officially known as the Central Tibetan Administration.
The Parliamentary delegation comprised of Maya Gref, MP, Green Party, Rosmarie Quadranti, MP, Civil Democratic Party, Marianne Streiff, MP, EPP, Prisca Birrer Heimo, MP, Social Democratic Party, Barbara Gysi, MP, SP SG, Gina Ruetschi, MP, District Council: KR.
The delegation was accompanied by President of Swiss Tibet Friendship, Thomas Buchli, Vice President Lhawang Norkhangsar, Pasang Bartschi, board member, Swiss Tibet Friendship, Members of Tibetan parliament: Ven Thupten Wangchen and Jampa Tsering Samdho, Representative Ngodup Dorjee, Office of Tibet Geneva, Garne Deki, Executive member of Tibetan community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Phayul,March 31, 2017

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