Tibet: le vittime del terremoto ancora in attesa di soccorso
Le comunità di nomadi e agricoltori tibetani situate nelle zone più vicine al luogo del sisma si trovano ad affrontare enormi sofferenze, in quanto non hanno ancora ricevuto gli adeguati soccorsi.
Segue articolo in inglese:
The Tibetan nomadic and agricultural communities located in some of the remotest and worst quake-hit areas near Kyigudo in northeastern Tibet are facing enormous sufferings as they have still not received any aid.Relief has still not reached to affected people living in some of the isolated areas as no reports about them appeared in the media.When earthquake struck Kyigudo on 14 April, the Ranyag Monastery dispatched a rescue team of 170 monks to the worst-hit areas of Rongpo and Karda.The monks succeeded in retrieving around 200 people alive from the rubble, helped thousands of injured and assisted in consigning around 96 corpses into Drichu river after conducting religious rites for the departed souls. On hearing the grave tragedy in Kyigudo, the revered head of the monastery invited medical teams from Taiwan and Japan to assist the victims. The monastery also provided essential relief materials worth 215,000 yuan, consisting of 100 tents, 6,000 kg of wheat and rice, 7,500 kg of roasted barley flour, 500 kg of butter, 1,000 noodle packets, 3,000 blankets and 2,500 clothes.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 10 maggio 2010
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