Tibet: monaci abbandonano monasteri
Numerosi monaci e suore tibetane hanno preferito abbandonare i loro monasteri piuttosto che sottomettersi al regime cinese. Sappiamo già che negli ultimi mesi vi è una crescente repressione da parte delle autorità cinesi nei confronti dei religiosi tibetani.
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Monks and nuns have abandoned their monasteries preferring to leave rather than submit to new Chinese regulations.The exodus over the last two months comes amid an increasing crackdown by Chinese authorities following Tibetan protests and unprecedented self-immolations mostly by monks fed up with increasing religious curbs.The monks and nuns have already left their monasteries ( Driru ,Pekar, Choeling, Tagmo, Drubde ,Rachen ,Drongna and Jana) in the Nagchu prefecture.The monks are worried that they may be forced to return, because the Chinese officials are saying they have no authority to leave on their own. It was not immediately clear whether the monasteries had been formally closed, or whether any resident monks or nuns still remained. Some of the restrictions imposed on Tibetan monasteries by China include limits to the numbers of monks enrolled, and an age limit of 18 years set for those who wish to join.Besides, the monasteries have to seek permission from Chinese officials for all kinds of work, big or small. Chinese officials have also attempted to confiscate the revenue from monastery stores and other earnings. But because the monasteries were built on contributions from the general public, and not with Chinese funds, the monks regard the Chinese order as interference in their religious freedom. Under current regulations, all monasteries in the region must now display pictures of Chinese leaders Mao Zedong, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao, and must fly the Chinese flag. And in a new rule sent to the regional capital Lhasa on Dec. 20, Communist Party cadres stationed in the monasteries must each “make friends” with one monk, and keep a file on that monk’s thinking. Meanwhile, sources said, posters and leaflets calling for freedom for Tibet and the return of exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama appeared on Jan. 25 at Ragya monastery in the Golog prefecture of China’s Qinghai province. Police could not identify the persons responsible, and later threatened to close the monastery. Monks had earlier displayed a large photo of the Dalai Lama and the banned Tibetan national flag in the main hall of the monastery, prompting an investigation by Chinese authorities. On Jan. 23, several hundred Tibetan monks and laypeople from Namtso monastery and Meruma town in Sichuan’s Ngaba prefecture sat down at a crossroads to protest Chinese rule, according to a local Tibetan source. “The laymen took off their upper clothes and remained half-naked, chanting mantras and eating tsampa [roasted barley flour] in protest,” the source said. “They marched to the main town at Meruma, and when Chinese police tried to block them, they continued to walk ahead, shouting slogans calling for freedom for Tibet,” he said. On the same day, hundreds of Tibetans also gathered at Tsodun monastery in Ngaba and held a candle-light vigil.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 31 gennaio 2012
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