Tibet: monaci condannati a tre anni di reclusione
Secondo le informazioni confermate il 19 luglio 2011, i monaci Lobsang Khedup e Lobsang Gyatso, del monastero di Kirti, sono stati condannati a tre anni di reclusione.
Segue articolo in inglese:
According to confirmed information received on 19 July 2011, monks Lobsang Khedup and Lobsang Gyatso of Kirti monastery, Ngaba County, were sentenced to three years imprisonment term each on 15 July 2011. Lobsang Khedup (around 36) was arrested on 4 May 2011 from Kirti Monastery. Son of Thoelee (father), he belongs to Thoelee-Tsang (home) and hails from Lower Chookleh Village, Ngaba County. He began his study at the Kirti Monastery at an early age, after being ordained and has attained high level of Buddhist studies. While continuing with his studies, he also tutors younger students at the monastery. Lobsang Gyatso (39) is from Upper Chookleh Village, Ngaba County, and is son of Gyakyap (father). He was arrested on 9 May 2011. Both monks remained incommunicado for nearly two months and no information was known, except it was heard that they both were somewhere in Moawan County. The charges against both also remain unclear at the time though the reason that led to their arrest is apparent. On 21 April 2011, when the Chinese police arrested a large number of monks from the monastery, these two monks, along with many other monks, assembled in the monastery requesting not to arrest the monks or else arrest them too. At this time, both of them are in a prison in Mein-Yang area, Sichuan Province.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 21 luglio 2011
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