Tibet: più di 240 proteste, 140 sentenze nel Tehor

Nell’area Tehor di Karze, in Tibet, ci sono state più di 240 proteste pacifiche ed oltre 240 persone sono state processate tra il dieci marzo 2008 e l’undici giugno 2009.

Segue l’articolo in inglese:

The number of protests and those sentenced for being involved in them across the Tibetan Plateau in 2008 and thereafter may have been far more than what has been reported so far. In the Tehor area of Karze ,in Tibet’s Kham Province, alone, there were more than 240 peaceful protests and over 140 were sentenced between Mar 10’08 and Jun 11’09, according to a new report released Feb 19 by the Tehor Welfare Association in Dharamsala.
The report says more than 3,000 Tibetans took part in these demonstrations and that evidences show 25 Tibetans having been brutally killed by Chinese troops in their crackdowns.
An uncountable number of Tibetans were arrested arbitrarily, while hundreds were maimed and thousands severely beaten.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 21 febbraio 2010


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