Tibet: truppe verso Lhasa

Le forze di sicurezza cinesi si sono trasferite in gran numero a Lhasa, capoluogo tibetano, con il tentativo di scoraggiare le proteste locali contro il governo di Pechino.

Segue articolo in inglese:

Chinese security forces in large numbers have moved into Tibet’s regional capital Lhasa in an apparent bid to discourage local protests against rule by Beijing, according to sources in Tibet.Thousands of troops appeared in Lhasa city on the evening of Oct.18 and by the next day, Lhasa was filled with security forces.Some think the self-immolation protests in Amdo Ngaba could be the reason for this increase in security.The troops are now stationed at major intersections, on main streets, around the Jokhang temple, and at the Potala Palace—the former residence of Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama.Troops were stationed at the outskirts of Lhasa, too. One group of security forces, dressed in light khaki, is stationed around the Jokhang and on main streets around the Potala Palace. Another group goes around in groups of two to four black vans to every corner of Lhasa. Groups of 10 soldiers, standing in back-to-back formation, are posted at every intersection with their fingers on their triggers, ready to shoot. Chinese security forces are now thoroughly searching Tibetans coming from Tibet’s eastern Kham and Amdo regions, along with monks and nuns and anyone wearing eastern regional dress or hairstyles. They are questioned about their current place of residence, native place, and reasons for being in Lhasa, and so on. The soldiers also search cell phones, looking for photographs of the Dalai Lama or another senior religious figure, the Karmapa. They also search for Tibetan songs, or anything else considered politically sensitive, the caller said. For the slightest reason, they detain the Tibetans they search and take them to the detention center at Tagtse, outside Lhasa. Those who are further suspected are moved to the main detention center in Lhasa.

Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 21 ottobre 2011


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