Tibet: 10.000 morti come conseguenza del sisma
I morti del terremoto continuano a salire. Tre scosse hanno colpito la stessa area la scorsa notte, che hanno avuto come conseguenza il crollo di altre case, circa l’80 % delle quali sono crollate.
Segue articolo in inglese:
The death toll of the earthquake continues to rise. Three aftershocks hit the same area last night, which resulted in the collapse of more buildings but not in any casualties. Unfortunately, another aftershock hit the area this morning, after which another 20 dead bodies were recovered near the Dichue River.About 80% of the houses were all collapsed.Nothing was left. The quake survivors situation is not good too.They have to sleep in tent in freezing weather and little food to eat.The latest information from Tibet is that there are over 10,000 dead as a result of the quake, including 8,000 bodies piled up in Kyegudo Monastery. More corpses are accumulating in other monasteries, as well as in cemeteries and hospitals. Many people are still buried under the rubble of collapsed houses and other buildings. This area of Tibet already has a low percentage of Tibetans, and the earthquake has decimated the population.
Rescue efforts continue, led by the efforts of monks from nearby monasteries. Seven hundred monks from Kyegu Monastery, another seven hundred from Serjhu Monastery and five hundred from Sethar Monastery, as well as monks from other places, have joined in the cause to save victims from the rubble.
Teachers from schools in the earthquake affected area have appealed to the government to update the casualty list given the huge number of students who died as a result of collapsed schools. They charge that the government is attempting to hide the true extent of the earthquake’s damage by spreading false news. Rescuers continue to be transported to the area, and injured people are being taken by plane to hospitals in Siling and Sichuan.
This earthquake is considered to be the worst natural disaster and among the many tragic events to afflict modern Tibetan society. Local Tibetans, reeling from the loss of family and friends, are denouncing the lack of help from the government. They note that Chinese Army efforts are concentrated on the residences of government officials as well as other government buildings, while lay people struggle to get help. Many people in the earthquake affected area still face a critical situation.
Fonte: DossierTibet, 16 aprile 2010
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