Tibetan Language Promotion Event Blocked by China

Chinese authorities have at the last minute blocked a move to hold a traditional Tibetan language competition in a Tibetan-populated county in Sichuan province, citing concerns over the “political implications” of the event, sources said.

The competition calling for participants to speak “pure” Tibetan unmixed with Chinese was scheduled for Feb. 21 in conjunction with International Mother Language Day, and was to have been held in Muge Norwa town in Zungchu (in Chinese, Songpan) county, an area resident told RFA’s Tibetan Service.

“The event was announced, and preparations had been made,” the resident said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“However, the relevant Chinese department in the area called [event organizers] Drime and Lodroe Gyaltsen and ordered them to cancel the competition, saying the event had ‘political implications.’”…[…]

RFA, 2014-04-22

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Tibetan Language Promotion Event Blocked by China


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