Trovato metallo tossico tra i gioielli fatti da bambini cinesi

I gioielli importati dalla Cina sono sotto i riflettori negli Stati Uniti. E’stata condotta una indagine in seguito alla quale è stato rivelato tra i gioielli il cadmio, un metallo tossico.
Segue articolo in inglese:
Children’s jewelry imported from China has come under the spot light in the United States, after an investigation by the Associated Press found it contained the toxic metal cadmium.

Cadmium is a known carcinogen that can affect the kidney and brain development in children. Its effects are worse than lead—a metal that was at the center of a toxic toy scandal in 2007.

The Associated Press organized lab testing of 103 pieces of children’s jewelry in stores from New York, Ohio, Texas and California. The tests showed 12% of the pieces contained at least 10% cadmium by weight. A Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer charm had as much as 91% cadmium.

Chinese toys and trinket makers apparently are using cadmium—a metal that’s shiny, easy to work with, and cheap—instead of lead.

In the United States there are strict limits for lead levels in children’s products, but there’s no limit on the content of cadmium in jewelry.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said it will start an investigation on children’s jewelry imported from China.

Retail giant Wal-Mart and accessories chain Claires—both of which sell jewelry found by the AP to contain cadmium—say they will voluntary remove the products from sale.

Fonte: New Tang Dynasty Television, 17 gennaio 2010


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