Un tibetano ucciso dalla polizia
E’ stato ucciso un tibetano dalla polizia in un posto chiamato Satoe, nella prefettura del Kardze. Era all’incirca il 14 ottobre, come ha riportato un tibetano residente in quell’area che ha parlato in condizioni di anonimato.
Police in the Kardze region of China’s Sichuan province shot and killed a Tibetan truck driver after seizing his load of timber.
The shooting occurred around Oct. 14, a Tibetan resident of the area said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The truck driver, identified by several sources as Sanggye, was shot and killed “at a place called Satoe, located in between Kardze and Nyagrong counties in Kardze [in Chinese, Ganzi] prefecture,” the source said.
Sanggye, travelling with a nephew and the nephew’s wife, was stopped and searched, and his timber confiscated by police, while he was driving toward Kardze, the source said.
Sources in the area said all three were taken to the Kardze police station, where Sanggye was beaten as his nephew shouted for police to stop.
He then heard three shots fired and saw Sanggye lying on the ground, Tibetan sources said. The nephew phoned relatives, who took Sangyye to the local hospital, where he died.
At one point Sanggye’s relatives held the police officers they suspected of shooting him, along with two officials, and threatened to kill them if he died.
“But a monk relative intervened, and they released the police and officials,” one source said.
His family has been offered 55,000-59,000 yuan as compensation after relatives threatened to protest by displaying his body unless the police officer or officers who shot him were jailed, two Tibetan said.
“He is survived by a wife named Sonam Lhatso and a daughter. They are residents of the Lopa area in Kardze,” a resident said.
Fonte: Dossier Tibet, 5 novembre 2009
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