Vietnam: Families concerned Over Jailed Activists on Third Week of Hunger Strike

Families of three Vietnamese activists on the 24th day of their hunger strike in jail on Thursday are concerned over their health condition after authorities rejected requests to visit them.

Bloggers Bui Thi Minh Hang and Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh and follower of the Hoa Hao Buddhist tradition Nguyen Van Minh had gone on a hunger strike after they were detained last month while attempting to investigate a police raid on a fellow dissident’s home in the Dong Thap province’s Lap Vo district.

Hang’s daughter Quynh Anh told RFA’s Vietnamese Service that her attempts to meet with her mother had been blocked by the Lap Vo district authorities, who informed her that Hang and the others were still on a hunger strike, and expressed concern for her condition….[…]

Radio Free Asia,2014/03/06

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Families concerned Over Jailed Activists on Third Week of Hunger Strike


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